YOUR Year Ahead Reading

YOUR Year Ahead Reading


2024 is bound to bring MASSIVE shifts with an elemental focus of FIRE + AIR.

This year could be extreme and disruptive, but as a Wood Dragon and 8 year - powerful, inspired and full of potential.

Pluto moves signs from Capricorn to Aquarius (and back again one last time!) Pluto is invisible and a catalyst for souls transformation.

We have Jupiter changing signs from Taurus to Gemini in May. Expansion through earth + air.

We end the year with Mars Retrograde, we’re in a Venus Leo Solar Goddess cycle (with a Venus underworld journey over the Summer of 2024) and Mercury Retrogrades shift from Earth to Fire.

What does this mean for you?

Shifting and changing, we want to help guide your year.

You can purchase a YEAR ahead reading that provides:

  • a forecast video and workbook for your rising sign

  • along with TWO customized video readings by each sister with insight and specific dates for your personal natal chart

  • The workbook includes each month’s lunations and major transits for each Sun Season - and not only that, but they are catered to your Rising sign.

NOTE: Delivery for the 2024 forecast video + workbook is IMMEDIATE, we will send to you upon purchase. The customized video will be delivered within two weeks from purchase date.

Here’s to our Highest + Best,

Ang & Tam

NOTE: You must have had a natal chart reading with us to be eligible for this product. If you haven’t, add one to your cart here.

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You will be prompted upon checkout to fill out your Birth Date, Location and Time. We need your birth time for an accurate reading.